
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Have Fun with Consonant Blends!

Reluctant readers will love this activity to be done with Sh Sh Sh Let the Baby Sleep!
  • Laminate and tape several consonant blends to the floor. The ones featured in the book are Sh, Br, Th, Ch, Gr.
  • Create aword basket at the end that uses the same blend.
  • Start each child with a beanbag or  pair of rolled up socks.
  • With feet together, they jump on each blend and say the sound as they land.
  • Then they throw the beanbag into the basket and read the word.
  • They retrieve the beanbag, give it to the next child in line and sit at the end of the line.
  • When all the groups are finished, they rotate to the next blend.
  • Leave the word off the basket and ask the children to come up with their own word. ex. ship, shot, shy, shape, shut, etc.
  • This activity works great with vowel sounds too!


  1. Great activities, what a wonderful fun way to learn those pesky consonant blends.

  2. I love the idea of this activity but sh, th, and ch, are not blends. They are digraphs.

    1. Some people call sh, th, and ch multi-letter phonograms too, but gr and br are blends. The important thing is to learn how to read them. I'm thankful for teachers that let children use their whole bodies to teach!! Love this!

    2. Is true is diagrams but it's great the idea

  3. Lovely activity.
    This can also be used to segregate the words into the correct digraph baskets.

  4. Lovely really I like this very interesting
